Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Trappings of Religion

I'm absolutely fascinated by this article from The Boston Globe about a study detailing religious beliefs in America. I'm particularly fascinated by this little tidbit.

The study found that 70 percent of Americans - and even 57 percent of evangelical Protestants - believe that many religions can lead to eternal life, while 68 percent of Americans say there is more than one true way to interpret the teachings of their religions.

'Scuse me?

57% of evangelical Protestants believe that many religions can lead to eternal life? Just who did they poll? And how far up their butts did they find their heads at during that time? And exactly what the spit is coming out of those pulpits?

I'm curious as to how that evangelical sales pitch would go? "Do you know that Jesus is sort of your Saviour and He or Buddha or Allah love you? Here's a multiple choice list of ways that you can get to heaven and achieve eternal life with your deity of choice. Wanna sign up?"

Don't be daft. Don't claim to be an evangelical Protestant and then go so far off the reservation that you're no longer recognizable. Why would anyone want such a label anyway if they're just going to deviate from the very basics of the faith? It's not like we're all that popular in the world that it's like getting a place at the cool kids table. Find a new label, for crying out loud. According to The Boston Globe, there are another 70% of like-minded Americans out there that you can go join with instead.


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